Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Challange...

Ethan and I decided to finish more of our 40K projects yesterday. He finished assembling his models from the Assault on Black Reach set. I began working on my 3rd Edition set. (it doesn't have a cool title like the 4th and 5th ed sets)
Well, come to find out that I would have to glue ALL my pieces together to get them started. Not like the 4th/5th ed sets where they snap into place with the option of glue. So this one might take a while, or it may go the back burner since this will take LOTS of time to assemble and paint and setup properly. But it will be worth it.
Just not now... :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Different scenery...

Well, it is hot outside and of course it make my garage even hotter! The A/C unit I have for it cant keep up and it is time to relocate the arena!
So I am going to redo my whole office for the 40K experience. I just started so be on the look out for updates!
Oh man, I cant wait till this new project is done!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Too many things...

It has been a while since the last post. I got a bunch of stuff but there are some things going on and the project is temporary on hold. We hope to be back up soon but it will take time, once things are worked out. I will keep things moving until we are back up to speed.

So here it is. My new finds.
First, the entire 2009 back issues of White Dwarf, real cheap...

Second, a book store find of the Daemonhunters (Grey Knights) codex...

Last but not least... a unusual find... an Eye of Terror stap map poster...
I cant wait to get this framed!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I decided to share the blog on facebook. Now that more friends are able to read this blog, they too can follow the missions, stories, other events Ethan and I will see in the coming future. I even got a few of them curious about the game.

We will see what comes of it...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Read some more...

I was going through my Warhammer library and I am just amazed by each codex I read. I sometimes find myself just reading them like mini novels since the history and stories in them are fascinating! I am learning so much. I would like to play more and get some painting/assembling done too!!
More soon...